Advanced Room Configurations for Cox Classrooms

The new classrooms in the Cox School of Business provide numerous options to help support your instructions.  While many will choose to use the default configuration regularly, there may be occasions where a more advanced setup is required.  The following outline several different options that may be of help as you plan your course.

Default Configuration

  • Built in computer on the podium is the source
  • Left projector will display the main window
  • Right projector displays the main window
  • Touch monitor will be on
  • Left confidence monitor will be pc main
  • Right confidence monitor will be pc extended
  • Audio is on (not muted)

Displaying Two Content Windows/Applications

  • Press the Windows + P keys and then set the display to extend
  • Select PC Main as the source and select Left Projector as the destination. Also select Left Confidence Monitor as a destination
  • Select PC Extend as the second source and select Right Projector as the destination. Also select Right Confidence Monitor as a destination
  • Open the various applications or windows and drag them to the extended screen. While you won't have a dual monitor on the podium, the confidence monitors will show in extended mode so you can navigate to the other screen with the mouse.

Displaying two different inputs

  • Select the first source (PC Main) and then select the destination (Right Projector)
  • Select the second source (Laptop) and then select the destination (Left Projector)
  • You would then be able to use both computers to drive the content on the respective screens.  Note, you may also want to route the sources to the confidence monitors if desired.

Displaying three different inputs

  • Select the first source (PC Main) and then select the destination (Right Projector)
  • Select the second source (Laptop) and then select the destination (Left Projector)
  • Select the screenshare source and then select the destination (Touch Monitor)
  • You would then be able to use three computers to drive the content on the respective screens. 

Supporting student presentations

Each room is equipped with a Wolfvision screensharing device.  This can be used by the instructor for laptops, iPads etc to display content without requiring an adapter.  It can also be used to allow students to present to the class with minimal setup required.

  • Tap the screenshare input on the touchpanel
  • Select the destination screen on which you want the content to display
  • The splash screen will appear providing additional connection information.