Olga Wong

Olga WongOlga Wong currently serves as the Director of Music at Holy Trinity Seminary (Irving, TX) and as Assistant Organist at Christ the King Catholic Church (Dallas, TX). She enjoys a diverse career as a performing organist, collaborative pianist, recording artist, adjudicator for young pianists competitions/exams and more. Previously, she has served as the Assistant Director of Music at Vox Antiqua, a Hong Kong-based choral group that performs sacred music; she was also the Organ Scholar at the Co-Cathedral of Sacred Heart in Houston. Wong has been featured on the Lent Recital Series of St. Rita Catholic Church (Dallas), First Lutheran Church (Houston), First Friday Recital Series of the Co-Cathedral of Sacred Heart and the Grand-Orgue Series at Christ the King Catholic Church (Dallas). 

Wong holds two Master of Music degrees, one in Organ Performance from the University of Houston under the tutelage of Daryl Robinson and another in Piano Performance from Stephen F. Austin State University under the tutelage of Dr. Andrew Parr, and a bachelor’s degree with First Class Honors from Hong Kong Baptist University.

Apart from a working musician, she is involved in groups that foster music education for young musicians, such as the American Guild of Organist Young Organist Division, where she served as a National Board Committee Member to plan events for young organists and pianists.


黃氏現任香港Vox Antiqua助理音樂總監,同時亦擔任美國管風琴協會(青年成員)的全國委員會委員。她去年在位於休斯頓(德薩斯州)的聖心聯合大教堂擔任風琴學者,並在休斯頓大學取得了管風琴碩士,師隨Daryl Robinson。黃氏同時持有史提芬奧斯汀州立大學的鋼琴碩士學位,畢業於香港浸會大學榮譽學士學位。

黃氏曾於北美洲、歐洲和亞洲演奏管風琴、鋼琴、以及室樂作品。演出包括法國巴黎的St-Séverin教堂, 2016年意大利的國際音樂節InterHarmony,達拉斯天主教基督君王堂,侯斯頓聖心聯合大教堂等。

最近的獎項包括2019年布里格斯學者計劃(管風琴歷史協會), 2018年美國管風琴協會全國大會獎學金, 2017年在法國和羅馬舉行的法國管風琴研討會獎學金,以及2016年德薩斯音樂教師協會青年藝術家鋼琴比賽的獎項。除了音樂演出以外,黃氏也熱衷於音樂教育,她曾在2016年美國音樂教師協會 全國大會中演講為題「表演焦慮症:從練習室都舞台」。