Frequently Asked Questions

The goal of this project is to increase the efficacy of our communication across campus with donors and alumni.  An extensive analysis was conducted on marketing efforts across campus.  It highlighted a need for more consistency in the branding of the messages as well as the coordination of when messages are sent to the various groups.  This will require the coordination across all schools and departments to reach the intended goals.
At a strategic level, this project is informed by interviews with stakeholders in all the schools and units that communicate with alumni and donors.  For this first phase of implementation phase, there is a core project team consisting of DEA, alumni marketing staff from across campus and OIT.  In addition, an advisory group has also been established that consists of representatives from schools and departments that will help inform governance, roles and responsibilities and more for campus.  

Throughout the project, there will be opportunities for staff to contribute including solution demonstrations, status updates and this website
To better understand the needs of email users at SMU, a campus-wide survey was conducted early this summer that informed the selection of the email technology. These email requirements were used by OIT and DEA personnel to evaluate several email marketing products.  It was determined that Salesforce Marketing Cloud would be the best option for SMU.
While there is room for improvement for internal campus communications as well, the scope of phase 1 is simply on alumni and donor communications.  Future phases will identify improvement opportunities for campus communication.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Studio

SMU has purchased a license for Email Studio, a product available in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform (SFMC). Email Studio will allow departments to build smarter email – from basic marketing campaigns to sophisticated 1-to-1 messages. It is designed to be a drag-and-drop tool that allows you to create emails with relevant content.

SFMC is a customer relationship management platform for marketers that allows them to create and manage marketing relationships and campaigns with customers.

Email Studio is a platform that provides marketers with tools for content creation, subscriber management, email tracking, automated communication and personalized messages, without needing to write code.

  • With Email Studio, build and send personalized email from basic newsletters to the most complex campaigns.
  • Deliver promotional, transactional and triggered messages.
  • Track and optimize to drive performance.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement: Email Studio Demo | YouTube Salesforce

During the fall 2023 term, we will begin the implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

  • The first phase will focus on communication efforts with alumni and donors.
  • Phases two and beyond will include other audiences and parts of campus and will begin summer of 2024.

The project website and blog will be updated with the latest information about implementation efforts and important resources. You can also join the project listserve to receive periodic updates.

The project website has training resources, including links to online “Trailheads” and “Trailmixes” offered by Salesforce. Users can create a login on the Salesforce website to access these free online training resources.

  • A Trailhead is an online training resource that allows users to learn important skills to use the platform.
  • A Trailmix is a customized learning journey that users can create for themselves or others within the organization.

SMU’s project website also includes a Marketing Cloud glossary of terms.

If you will be using Email Studio, please visit these resources to help get you started and comfortable using the Email Studio platform.

At the appropriate time, please reach out to your school or division account administrator to request access to use Email Studio. Your school or department account administrator can grant you access to Email Studio based on which implementation phase you are in.

Users are granted access to the platform and assigned roles by account administrators. The following resources outline user roles in SFMC.

Marketing Cloud roles and permissions

With Marketing Cloud roles you can grant your users access to the areas and features that pertain to their job functions. View Marketing Cloud roles.

Your school or division account administrator is in the best position to determine what your role should be using the platform.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder

Journey Builder is a marketing automation tool that allows subscribers to receive messages via email or SMS based on criteria or previous engagements.

Imagine this tool as a better way to automate messages and reach target audiences at specific points in time or as a result of subscriber engagement.

Journey Builder is a user-friendly, drag-and-drop tool that allows marketers to create personalized, engagement-based journeys for their customers.

  • Design and automate campaigns that guide customers through their journey with a brand.
  • Execute simple or multi-step marketing and data management activities on an immediate, triggered or scheduled basis.

Email journeys in the Journey Builder tool provide personalized and captivating messages to your audience through automation.

These journeys can range from intricate sequences spanning a year with different decision points to straightforward single emails sent annually.

By prioritizing the individual experience of each recipient and tailoring emails based on specific triggers, you can ensure the delivery of pertinent and timely content that encourages interaction.

  • Boost interaction (more opens and clicks).
  • Streamline processes for better productivity.
  • Target the perfect audience, precisely when they’re receptive, with tailored messages.
  • Experiment with A/B testing using Path Optimizer.
  • Utilize Einstein’s Send Time Optimization to send emails when recipients are most likely to engage.

It is an integrated set of AI technologies integrated within the platform. You can learn more about Einstein online (FAQs).

You can also watch a Salesforce video about how it uses Generative AI: 5 Steps to Prepare Your Organization for Generative AI.

  • A welcome message when someone subscribes or opts-in to receive communications.
  • Welcoming new students to the Hilltop with a series of follow-up messages to help orient them to campus.
  • Onboarding materials and support during the first 90 days for new SMU employees.

Journey Builder Prerequisites
Review these items before using Journey Builder in the Marketing Cloud whether you’re a marketer or administrator.

Journey Builder Activities
Canvas activities include messages, decisions, updates or a combination of these elements dragged onto the Journey Builder canvas. In a multi-step journey, the activities you configure affect each contact until they reach a goal or the end of the journey.

Journey Builder Reports
View a list and description of Journey Builder reports available in the Reports tool.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement: Journey Builder Demo | YouTube Salesforce