Research Clusters

Our diverse faculty work around the globe and in different time periods, yet our interdisciplinary research overlaps into different research themes or clusters.


  • Applied Anthropology & Community Based Research

    Applied anthropology addresses contemporary problems related to health, society, the environment, and heritage. Collaborating with affected communities is key to this type of research.


    Michael Adler, Eric Bing, Maryann Cairns, B. Sunday Eiselt, Kacy Hollenback, Neely Myers, Nia Parson, Christopher Roos, Carolyn Smith-Morris

  • Culture Contact Studies

    Culture contact research explores the dynamic processes that occur when distinct populations interact with one another.



    Michael Adler, Caroline Brettell, B. Sunday Eiselt, Kacy Hollenback
  • Environmental Anthropology & Archaeology

    The study of human-environment dynamics both in the past and today.



    Maryann Cairns, Kacy Hollenback, Karen Lupo, David Meltzer, Christopher Roos, Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna

  • Ethnoarchaeology and Experimental Archaeology

    Asking archaeological questions in contemporary contexts, whether it be the lab or with modern cultures.



    B. Sunday Eiselt, Kacy Hollenback, Karen Lupo

  • Globalization and Development

    Focus on understanding the impacts of a rapidly globalizing world on local communities and culture, as well as their responses.



    Caroline Brettell, Maryann Cairns, Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna

  • Hazards and Disaster

    Examine the social, cultural, and environmental implications of collective trauma in contemporary communities and in the past over the short and long-term.



    Maryann Cairns, Kacy Hollenback, Christopher Roos, Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna

  • Indigenous Studies

    Focus on traditional and contemporary indigenous forms of culture, art, knowledge, economy, ecology, politics, and identity, as well as contemporary issues surrounding sovereignty, tradition, human rights, intellectual property rights, heritage, health, environmental justice, and development.



    Michael Adler, B. Sunday Eiselt, Kacy Hollenback, Mark McCoy, Christopher Roos, Carolyn Smith-Morris

  • Medical Anthropology & Global Health

    Theoretical focus in critical medical anthropology and political economy, as well as Psychological Anthropology.



    Eric Bing, Neely Myers, Nia Parson, Carolyn Smith-Morris

  • Migration

    Examine the causes, processes, and consequences of the movement of people in the past and today.



    Michael Adler, Caroline Brettell, David Meltzer

  • Molecular Anthropology


    K. Ann Horsburgh, David J. Meltzer

  • Science, Technology, and Society

    Includes the application of archaeological and anthropological science as well as the anthropological study of the science and technology in society.



    Matthew Boulanger, B. Sunday Eiselt, Kacy Hollenback, Christopher Roos, Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna