Sketchnoting Practice Session
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This is a working session to practice developing your visual capture skills for those who have completed the Sketchnoting workshop. Bring the supplies you received, along with any others you have gathered along the way. We will watch videos and practice sketchnoting as well as investigate additional ways to use visual skills in the workplace.
Date: April 3
Time: 11:30-1:00 PM
Facilitator: Mary Stall, Senior HR Specialist, Organizational Effectiveness
Location: HR Training Room, #208 Expressway Tower
Parking: SMU visitors to Expressway Tower may park in the Robson & Lindley Aquatics Center and Barr-McMillion Natatorium AUP parking lot to the east of Expressway Tower. Overflow parking may use the AUP Dyer lot located one block north of Expressway Tower off the Central Expwy service road. Please visit Parking and ID Servicesto view the Campus Parking Map.