Professional Development Workshop
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Sketchnoting is a style of visual note taking that has become very popular recently. The process consists of using images, text, and color to capture the key points of a conversation, whether it is a key note speaker, a panel discussion, webinar capture, or even taking notes while reading a book! Visuals can also be used to share ideas with others in presentations and meetings.
Visuals are a powerful way to organize your thoughts and to share information. Research proves that we retain information in more meaningful ways when we hear AND see it. Join us in the low tech, hands on workshop to learn about:
- visual language
- color theory
- the basics of lettering
- creating simple images that convey meaning
- connectors, boxes, and borders
You’ll leave with the skills to begin to sketchnote immediately as well as the tools to do it with!
Date: Thursday, JJune 6, 2024
Time: 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Facilitator: Mary Stall, Senior HR Specialist, Organizational Effectiveness
Location: HR Training Room # 208, Expressway Tower
Parking: SMU visitors to Expressway Tower may park in the Robson & Lindley Aquatics Center and Barr-McMillion Natatorium AUP parking lot to the east of Expressway Tower. Overflow parking may use the AUP Dyer lot located one block north of Expressway Tower off the Central Expwy service road. Please visit Parking and ID Services to view the Campus Parking Map.