ADSA Tutoring Services
The purpose of the Tutor Program in the ADSA is to provide Student-Athletes with subject-specific tutors who serve as a supplement to the classroom experience.
The main goal of our academic tutors is to help Student-Athletes better understand specific course content they learn in the classroom. Tutoring sessions are either one-on-one or in small groups and are conducted in the ADSA. Sessions last 45 minutes and tutoring frequency is based on individual student need (1, 2, or 3 days a week). Tutoring sessions can also be focused on building and developing study skills; like time management, prioritization, note-taking, etc.
Tutoring sessions are held through various times throughout the day: Monday through Friday, barring athletic practice schedules. Our tutors consist of undergraduate students, graduate students, adjunct professors, or outside professionals. Hours are flexible, but not guaranteed depending on student enrollment in the course.