Provost Faculty Fellows

The Provost Faculty Fellows program offers opportunities for faculty to gain leadership experience by working with the Office of the Provost's on strategic initiatives, day-to-day decision making and operations.

The Fellows enrich the Office of the Provost by expanding ongoing faculty involvement in developing and implementing projects that enhance academic priorities. Associate Provosts are able to establish a collaborative team with Fellows to generate and implement specific, high-priority programs essential to faculty and student success. Additionally, the program supports mentored pathways for faculty to explore their own interests in pursuing academic administrative roles while gaining insight into budgeting, strategic planning and challenges in higher education. 

Program logistics

Provost Faculty Fellows will exist in a cohort of five members, each with a specific project goal. The project goal will be outline in the position description distributed for any open fellowship position prior to faculty application. Project needs will vary and fellows are able to request to continue participation for up to two additional years.

The program's time commitment is approximately six hours per week across the calendar year with scaled participation in the summer. Acknowledgement of this additional time commitment will be recognized via financial compensation. Fellows can choose between either an annual stipend of $10,000, or the combination of a stipend of $3,000 and a one-course reduction during the academic year.

Fellow are expected to meet as a cohort monthly, attend an Academic Affairs Forum monthly, and have ongoing engagement with a mentor inside the Office of the Provost who is most closely aligned with the priority area. 


All full-time faculty members are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to tenured faculty and instructional (non-tenure track) faculty who have interest and/or experience in open Fellow position. Faculty interested in applying are encouraged to reach out to for more information.

Interested faculty should discuss the option with their department chair understanding that Provost Faculty Fellows have the option to allocate their University service commitment to this role during the appointment.