The 2013-14 Year at Meadows School of the Arts in GIFs

From the Brown Bag dance series to the Art Division hot molten bronze pour, a look back on the best GIFs of the 2013-14 academic year

Meadows 2013-14 Best GIFs

There is no such thing as a quiet year at Meadows School of the Arts. In cities spanning from Dallas to Bali to Hong Kong, Meadows students and alums built monuments to the ultimate goal: Start a movement.

As we continue on to the next academic year and reflect on the inspiring events of 2013-14—including the creation of a Meadows music album, internships at the Cannes Film Festival in Paris and the Sochi Olympics in Russia, an opera flash mob, Meadows at the Meyerson and much, much more—we present a look at the top GIFs of the year at SMU Meadows School of the Arts.

The 2013 Fall Brown Bag Dance Series

A scene from the intro of the 2014 Brown Bag Dance Series

The Meadows Chorale Group flash-mobbed the Winspear Opera House

The Meadows Art Division pours molten hot bronze

Scenes from The Opera Free For All: Saints and Sinners

The Eclectic Art of the Faculty Show at the Pollock: Ira Greenberg’s digitally-grown  ProtoCephalopod

Brittany Ransom’s piece All This is a Dream, a magnetic driven piece for the Faculty Show at the Pollock

Outgoing Dean of Meadows School of the Arts Jose Antonio Bowen in one of his last performances with Jampact

Jamal Mohamed, Director of the Meadows World Ensemble and Percussion Instructor, performs in the atrium for one of many, effusively spontaneous performances.

The Mantra Percussion in the Atrium