Graduate Degree Deadlines

The following deadlines have been established by the Lyle Graduate Studies Office to ensure an orderly progression of steps in processing graduation applications for advanced degrees. It is important that students/advisors observe them if the degree is to be awarded on schedule. The materials listed below, as well as the electronic thesis, praxis or dissertation are required by the last day of instruction in order for the student to be a degree recipient.

Note: All Theses and Dissertations must be submitted electronically. 


Last Day to File Application for Graduation on

 Term  Date
 Spring term January 31, 2024 
 Summer term June 12, 2024
 Fall term September 11, 2024

Applications for Candidacy to Graduate (ACG's) are to be filed online through by the above deadline date.  Contact Jim Dees ( for access to the graduation application link. It is necessary to file an intent to graduate at the beginning of each semester in which you intend to graduate.  Please inform Jim Dees if you determine that you will not graduate after you have turned in a graduation application for a particular semester.