Environmental Health and Compliance Specialty

Learn more about this specialty area within Civil and Environmental Engineering

Why choose this specialty?

Are you passionate about clean water, air, and land to protect public health, safety, and welfare? These topics are of paramount importance to civil and environmental engineers. The Environmental Health and Compliance specialty gives students the opportunity to learn in-depth about these areas.

What you will learn

Students choosing this specialty will develop expertise in environmental health and compliance, the human health impacts of pollution, and how regulations and policy impact practice in the field. Topics covered include fundamentals of epidemiology, risk assessment, contaminant fate and transport, and toxicology. Students will also learn about the U.S. regulatory framework designed to protect human health and the environment.

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Jobs related to this specialty

Students choosing this specialty may land roles such as Environmental Compliance Engineer/Scientist/Specialist, Environmental Engineer, Environmental Health Engineer, Environmental Health and Safety Engineer/Scientist/Specialist, Natural Resource Specialist, Environmental Consultant, Occupational Health & Safety Engineer/Scientist/Specialist, and Industrial Hygienist.