Find Data
SMU Libraries can help you find the data you need. Search our subscription databases with data, or learn more about how to search for data.
Acquire Data
To acquire data for campus-wide access, request a data purchase. SMU Libraries can help you find and negotiate with vendors. We also work on a case-by-case basis to purchase datasets for researchers, with higher priority going to data with permanent rights and multi-user licenses.
For single-user and small-group license data sets, SMU faculty, graduate students, staff, and postdocs can apply for the SMU Libraries Research Data Acquisitions Grant.
Manage Data
Research Data Management is the process of maintaining your research data throughout your project. It involves planning and documenting how your data will be collected or created, analyzed, stored, and shared.
SMU Libraries research data management support can help you ensure that your data is findable and accessible, preserved over the long-term, and that it meets the requirements of funding agencies. We offer resources for data management for grants and other projects:
- DMPTool - Create a plan and manage and share your data.
Data Storage
- SMU Dataverse Repository - store, publish, and share datasets in compliance with funding agreements.
- SMU Scholar - store and share finalized research output (articles, presentations, publications, etc.) derived from your research data.
High-Performance Computing Facilities
ManeFrame II/III and NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD for computationally intensive processing of research data. Contact the Office of Information Technology and O'Donnell Data Science and Research Computing Institute for more information on these high-performance research clusters.
Get Help
- Request help with data management planning, description, storage, and archiving. For questions, contact Research Data Management Support at
- For help with programming, data visualization, cleaning, or analysis such as web scraping, contact OIT Data Science Support.
- For statistical consulting, contact SMU Statistical Consulting Center.