Synesthetic Dream is a 2.5 dimension side-scrolling rhythm platformer where the player times movements to the beat of the music. Players jump, double jump, and wall jump on the beat to "transform" platforms and unlock further areas to explore. Synesthesia is a neurological condition where the stimulation of one sense leads to an involuntary stimulation of a second sense (i.e. a person sees music as colors rather than sounds.) Synesthetic Dream is a journey of a comatose girl named Hope who uses synesthesia to heal her brain and reawaken. Hope's coma world is a drab, flat, soundless vacuum that engulfs all life and color, but when Hope's mother turns on music in the hospital room, Hope's subsonscious is awakened by memories of her love of music and dance. In the coma world, Hope begins to have synesthetic episodes that cause the world to pulse with the beat of the music. Through synesthesia, the player can help Hope break the chains of the sensory deprived world by dancing to the beat of the music and filling the world in with colors and elements of life.