Samurai Legends is a fast-paced, multiplayer action game combining the speed of a game like Unreal Tournament with a light RPG combat system as found in games like World of Warcraft. Set in a feudal Japanese world, Samurai Legends pits two teams of Samurai warriors, Monk healers, and Ninja bowmen against each other in round-based maps. Players gain honor between rounds for kills, completing objectives, and helping other team-members which can then be spent on weapons, armor, and skills between rounds as in Counter-Strike.
Samurai Legends is a modification for Half-life2, replacing the first-person shooter engine with a 3rd-person, melee-based combat system. Each of the three characters has a unique set of animations and powers which can be triggered by using a mouse cursor to both select enemies and to click on a set of 10 special powers at the bottom of the screen. As players gain honor points, better weapons, armor and skills unlock through a buy menu. Players may also pick up fallen weapons scavenged from the battlefield.
Once a player dies, the round is not lost; each map has one special zone where a monk can activate a resurrection spell, bringing fallen comrades back to life to give their team one last push on the final objective before the time runs out.