Custom Business Education Solutions

All of our custom business education solutions draw on the business acumen of the SMU Cox faculty—proven experts with a mastery of business theory and unmatched real-world experience. SMU faculty members not only teach in one of the nation’s highest-regarded graduate business programs—they also conduct groundbreaking research and solve tough business problems for leading corporations worldwide.

Competition, outsourcing, stiffer regulation, globalization, partnering, retiring baby boomers, mergers and acquisitions. As a business leader, you face complex issues like these at every turn. So how does your organization navigate today’s increased volatility to achieve its goals? You need skilled leaders, ongoing coaching and an effective leadership development strategy.

In companies around the world, longstanding leaders are nearing retirement and new leaders are needed to take their place. Firms are facing a significant knowledge and experience gap—especially in technical areas where younger leaders may lack important expertise.

In response, many forward-thinking organizations are turning to cost-effective custom solutions from SMU Cox Executive Education. We deliver custom education, executive coaching and consulting solutions that help your high-potential leaders attain critical business and leadership skills faster to fill the leadership gap.

The process is collaborative from start to finish. You’ll meet with SMU Cox custom business education solutions and faculty experts to define your current situation, identify needs and chart measures of success. Then we’ll develop targeted solutions that meet your challenges head on—from education, training and executive coaching to succession planning, organizational development, leadership competency models and globalization strategies. And we’ll deliver these solutions when and where you need them. Call us at 214-768-3335 today to arrange a consultation with a custom solutions specialist. With a custom solution from SMU Cox Executive Education, you’ll strengthen your organization’s performance today and create the leadership bench strength you need for long-term success.