Electric Scooter Guidelines and Parking

Electric scooter use is permitted on the SMU campus subject to all ordinances enacted by local governments with authority over the SMU campus, including, but not limited to, City of University Park Ordinance No. 18-048 and Ordinance No. 18-049.

These guidelines apply to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors and to both shared-use and privately-owned electric scooters.

Rules of the Road

  • Electric scooter users must be eighteen (18) years of age or older.
  • Electric scooter use may only occur in permitted areas – on designated University Park streets and sidewalks, and on the SMU campus, excluding the George W. Bush Presidential Center (see map). 
  • Electric scooters are prohibited on the rest of University Park’s public streets and sidewalks. Violators may be ticketed by University Park Police and are subject to a $136 municipal fine.
  • Electric scooter users must obey traffic rules on campus, including stopping at stop lights and stop signs. 
  • Electric scooter users must stay to the right on all roadways, pathways, and sidewalks.
  • Electric scooter users must yield to pedestrians in walkways and sidewalks and provide audible or hand signals when approaching or passing pedestrians.
  • Speed of electric scooters must be limited to ten (10) miles per hour or as reasonable for the traffic of both pedestrians and vehicles, whichever is less. 
  • Electric scooters are not allowed in SMU owned, leased, rented, or occupied buildings. 
  • Electric scooter users shall not operate an electric scooter while under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled substances. 
  • Tandem riding is prohibited.
  • Electric scooter users shall be mindful of their safety, the safety of others, and shall be alert to pedestrians and other vehicles. 
  • SMU Police may cite electric scooter users who are behaving recklessly.

Parking Etiquette

  • Park electric scooters upright on hard surfaces in designated parking zones only as outlined on the map.
  • Do not park electric scooters:
    • On the sidewalk;
    • On turf or flowerbeds;
    • In the street;
    • At the top or bottom of any stairs or steps;
    • In any university owned, leased, rented, or occupied building;
    • In front of entrances or exits to buildings; or
    • In any manner that would impede access to ADA ramps. 

Electric Charging

The charging of electric scooters in any university owned, leased, rented, or occupied building is prohibited.

Safety Recommendations

  • Electric scooter users are encouraged to use a helmet when operating an electric scooter.
  • Electric scooter users should avoid using scooters in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.
  • Electric scooter users should avoid using phones, headphones or earbuds when operating an electric scooter. 
  • Contact SMU Police at 214-768-3333 with safety issues or questions.

To report issues with a Scooter

Bird scooters contact: Call Dallas 311 or email Bird support citysupport@bird.com

Lime scooters contact: Email: support@limebike.com or Call/Text: 1-888-LIME-345

cc: parking@smu.edu