Cooper-McElvaney Fellowship

The aim of the Cooper-McElvaney Peace and Justice Fellowship is to encourage students to do service work and/or research in the areas of peace and justice, locally and globally. The Fellowship provides opportunities for students at SMU to pursue their passions while integrating the desire for a just and peace-filled world.

The Fellowship is a 6-week service-based learning experience designed to allow students to work for peace and justice with a faith-based organization in their chosen field. Each Fellow will be matched with a mentor who is involved in peace and justice work and will provide advice and model a life of peace and justice integrated with one’s career.

Undergraduate and graduate students with a minimum GPA of 3.2 are welcome to apply. The application includes: a brief bio, project proposal, letter of support from sponsoring organization, and faculty/staff recommendation. Applications are open during the spring semester.


Previous Fellows

  • 2020

    Nia Kamau
    Rhonda Hodges

  • 2021

    Johanna Pang
    Razan Bayan
    Samar Ramas

  • 2022

    Briana Freshwater

  • 2023

    Ella Skelsey

  • 2024

    Zahra Chowdhury

Peace and Justice in Action

The Cooper-McElvany Fellowship was featured in the 2020-2021 Student Affairs Impact, which highlights SMU students and the work of the Division of Student Affairs each year. Read how 2020-2021 Fellows, Nia Kamau and Rhonda Hodges, continued their research and service work during the Covid-19 pandemic.