Division of Student Affairs Awards

In conjunction with the launch of the Strategic Plan,  Cultivating Courageous Change, the Division of Student Affairs established awards to honor those staff members and colleagues whose performance exemplifies the values we hold as a division and qualities we strive for as we serve students.


  • Courageous Change Leader

    The Courageous Change Leader (CCL) award is the highest honor bestowed on a staff member within the Division of Student Affairs. As a division we established six commitment statements identifying how we expect staff to approach their work holistically supporting students in the development of meaningful lives. These commitment statements are the overarching expectations for our work in this student-centered environment. The CCL award recognizes one or two staff members within the division who embody these commitment statements.

    Courageous Change Leaders are chosen by the Vice President's Leadership Team (VPLT) and receive a $1,000 honorarium, plaque, and one additional day off. (VPLT members are ineligible for this award).

  • Impact

    This award recognizes a professional (3 years or more) who is a game-changer on campus and within the division. Recipients are outstanding performers whose contributions to our division through their work celebrate a positive impact in the lives of our students, in advancement of our strategic plan, and/or in creating community in our division.

    The Impact awardee is selected by an ad-hoc committee and receive a $500 honorarium, plaque, and one additional day off.

  • Outstanding Newcomer

    This award recognizes a professional newer to the division (3 years or less) who shows strong potential for excelling in our division of student affairs and whose positive contributions are noteworthy. New perspectives, new energy, and new ideas can impact our work in profound and meaningful ways.

    The Outstanding Newcomer awardee is selected by an ad-hoc committee and receive a $500 honorarium, plaque, and one additional day off.

  • Student Affairs Champion

    Members of the Division of Student Affairs may nominate an individual outside of the division who has been an outstanding partner and/or made a meaningful contribution through exceptional dedication to the mission and vision of the Division of Student Affairs. Recipients are engaged partners, collaborative, and student focused.

    The Student Affairs Champion is selected by an ad-hoc committee led by the Vice President for Student Affairs and receives a plaque.

2023 Award Recipients

Courageous Change Leader

We are excited to announce Audryanna Reed, Associate Director for High-Impact Practices, Residence Life and Student Housing, as the recipient of this year's Courageous Change Leader Award! Her dedication to excellence and continuous improvement has had a profound impact on our division, our organization, and the Dallas community at large. Audryanna consistently goes above and beyond to meet challenging goals and inspire those around her to do better. Read more on why Audryanna was deserving of this award in the 2022-2023 Impact.

Amanda Bobo


Amanda Bobo

We are proud to award Amanda Bobo, Associate Director of Employer Relations for the Hegi Family Career Development Center, with the Impact Award for her exceptional contributions to the Division of Student Affairs. With over 5 years of dedicated service, Amanda’s journey from Residence Life to her current role as Associate Director for Employer Relations has made an impact. Amanda’s inclusivity and strategic planning have led to increased opportunities for students of all majors, connecting them with employers in meaningful ways.

In addition to her work in employer relations, Amanda’s leadership on the Staff Professional Excellence Committee has enriched the entire division through guest speakers and growth-focused sessions.

Kaleb Loomis

Outstanding Newcomer

Kaleb Loomis

Our Outstanding Newcomer this year is Kaleb Loomis, Assistant Chaplain in the Office of the Chaplain and Religious Life. Since joining us less than two years ago, Kaleb’s professional excellence and commitment to student development have made him a positive agent of change on campus. Kaleb successfully revitalized critical areas of religious life on campus, such as Kairos and Spiritual Life Mentors, guiding them to lead Christian worship and fostering interfaith engagement.

Beyond his role in the Office of the Chaplain, Kaleb goes above and beyond to support his colleagues, actively represents Student Affairs on the Staff Association’s Staff Advocacy Council, and contributes significantly to our professional association, ACSLHE.

Timmie Hathorn

Student Affairs Champion

Timmie Hathorn

We are delighted to announce Timmie Hathorn as the recipient of the inaugural Student Affairs Champion Award. As the Executive Director for Alumni and Career Services at the Meadows School of the Arts, Hathorn’s dedication to creating new learning opportunities and fostering collaborations has significantly benefited the SMU community. This year, Hathorn played a key role in expanding alumni involvement and internship offerings to Meadows students in partnership with the Hegi Family Career Development Center, resulting in exciting new opportunities in the arts for SMU students. Timmie’s unwavering dedication and partnership have had a profound impact on both Hegi and Student Affairs as a whole.

Previous Award Recipients

  • Courageous Change Leader

    2019: Bonnie Hainline, Madison Mucci-Ferris
    2020: Meghan Perez
    2021: Dr. Sidney Garder, Staphany Lopez-Coronado
    2022: Matt Nadler, Bonnie Pickett

  • Outstanding Newcomer

    2022: Jermisha Frazier