Occasional Papers
From time to time, the Maguire Center publishes papers -- some works in progress, reworkings of Public Scholar addresses, or invited papers from conference speakers. In addition to print versions (published in the years indicated below), we plan to publish these as PDFs, as well. (To read a PDF document, you need to download a free Adobe Acrobat reader to your computer.)
Barbara Hill Moore, True to My Own Voice: Ethical Challenges in Talent Development, 2015
Dennis Simon, The Politics of Memory and the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, 2013
Tom L. Beauchamp, The Legacy and Contemporary Relevance of Nazi Physicians, 2013
Robin Lovin, Faith and Politics: An Augustinian Reflection, 2013
Charles E. Curran, The U.S. Catholic Bishops and Abortion Legislation: A Critique from Within the Church, 2012
Tony Pederson, Reporter Privilege: A Con Job or an Essential Element of Democracy? (forthcoming 2011) (pre-publication version of the paper)
Jenia Turner, Ethical Dilemmas for Defense Attorneys in War-Crimes Trials, 2010
Mark McPhail, Confessions of an Expert Witness: Rhetoric, Politics, and Ethics at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, 2010
Paul E. McGreal, Counteracting Ambition: Applying Corporate Compliance and Ethics to the Separation of Powers Concerns with Domestic Surveillance, 2008
Mark A. Chancey, Politics, Culture Wars, and the Good Book: Recent Controversies Over the Bible and Public Education, 2007
Marshall Terry, The Founding and Defining of a University, 2007
Michael Adler, Saving the Past for Whom? Considerations for a New Conservation Ethic in Archeology, 2005
Carolyn Sargent and Carolyn Smith-Morris, Questioning Our Principles: Anthropological Contributions to Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Practice, 2005
Linda Eads, Corporate America and Its Ethical Choices, 2004
Kathleen Wellman, Moral Tales: Ethics and Enlightenment Fiction, 2003
J. Matthew Wilson, Moral Visions and the New American Politics, 2003
Rebekah Miles, That’s All a Mule Can Do: The Ethics of Balancing Work at Home and on the Job, 2003
Albert C. Pierce, A Model for Moral Leadership: Contemporary Applications, 2003
Jeffrey F. Gaba, When “Takings” Happen to Good People: The Fifth Amendment Takings Clause and the Issue of Distributional Justice, 2001
Philip Seib, Teaching Online Journalism Ethics, 2001
Stephen L. Elkin, Civic Prospects: Civic Engagement and the City, 2000
Ernesto Cortes Jr., A New Democratic Politics, 2000
Ruth Morgan, A Realistic Vision of a Just and Effective Urban Politics, 2000
Alastair Norcross, Three Approaches to the Ethical Status of Animals, 2000
Steven Sverdlik, Compassion and Sympathy as Moral Motivation, 1999
Joseph L. Allen, Politics as a Calling, 1998
Bonnie Wheeler, Pilgrimage and the Desire for Meaning, 1998
Michael Holahan, “Look, her lips”: Softness of Voice, Construction of Character in King Lear, 1998 (reprinted by permission of Shakespeare Quarterly)
William Lee Miller, Journalism as a High Profession in Spite of Itself, 1998
James F. Childress, Managed Care: Some Basic Ethical Issues, 1998
James K. Hopkins, The Private and Public Intellectual in the World and the Academy, 1998