April J. Bristow
Associate Director Intern Program

Office Location |
Selecman Hall, Room 115 |
Phone |
214-768-6924 |
D.Min, Specialization in Pastoral Care, Houston Graduate School of Theology; M.Div.,Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University; B.S., Rutgers University, 1989
Teaching Specialties
Pastoral Care; Grief; Equipping Laity and Clergy for faith-filled leadership; Cultural Intelligence; Guarding Against Compassion Fatigue; Divorce Recovery; Spiritual Formation and Direction; Premarital Counseling; End of Life Coaching; Mental Health and the Church
Selected Publications
:: Contributed “Remember to Rest” to Leaves of Wisdom: A Book of Daily Meditations and Encouragement, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, 2024.
:: Contributed “The Work of Peacemaking” to Our Favorite Sunday School Lesson, Market Square Books, 2023.
:: “S. E. L. F. I. E.: A Model for Cultural Intelligence for Faithful Leadership in the Church,” Bristow, April Johnson and Young, Adam; North Texas Conference United Methodist Church, 2015
:: “Becoming One Again: Intentional Steps Toward Healing for Divorced/Divorcing Persons,” Bristow, April Johnson; First United Methodist Church Richardson, TX, 2013
:: “Strengths in Differences: Cultural Competency for Faith Leaders – A Closer Look at Acts 10” for LeadershipFirst, First United Methodist Church, Richardson, 2020.
:: “Sisters in the Spirit: A Cross-Racial Experience for White Women and Women of Color,” Bristow, April Johnson and Holbert, Diana; A Collaborative Project of First United Methodist Church Richardson and Hamilton Park United Methodist Church, 2007.
Professional Distinctions
Ordained Elder, United Methodist Church; Leadership Circle Profile and Collective Leadership Assessment Certified Practitioner; Intercultural Development Inventory Qualified Administrator; Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional; Cultural Intelligence Certificate; Spiritual Director; Prepare and Enrich Trainer; Certified End of Life Coach; Stephen Ministry Leader
- Doctoral Excellence Award, Houston Graduate School of Theology, 2019
- Elsa Cook Award for Contributions to the Perkins Community, Perkins School of Theology, 1998
- Albert Outler Award for Outstanding Essay in Theology, Perkins School of Theology, 1996
- Crusade Scholar, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodist Church, 1994