Emergency Loans
The Amy Abboud ('87, '90) and Leslie Ware ('89, '92) Emergency Loan Fund is a revolving loan program established for the purpose of providing emergency loan assistance to law students who have unexpected financial needs arise during the course of the year above and beyond that which can be reasonably planned for or accommodated through the normal financial aid process. Generally, under the terms of the program, any currently-enrolled student who does not have an outstanding emergency loan may request to borrow up to $750. Loans must be repaid within three months, except for second semester third-year students who must repay their emergency loans prior to graduation. Students applying for an emergency loan must demonstrate that they have a potential source of repayment.
Applications for an Amy Abboud and Leslie Ware Emergency Loan are available by contacting Stephen B. Yeager, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. Completed applications must be approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or, in his absence, the Director of Finance. Applications may be denied at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or the Director of Finance. Loans will be disbursed and payments should be made through the Finance Office.
Borrowers must recognize that the future availability of this fund for other law students depends on prompt and full repayment of all emergency loans. In the event of default, a hold will be placed on the borrowers university record, including registration privileges and transcript requests. In addition, the Deans office may withhold certification of a borrowers character and fitness to state bar examiners.
Amy Abboud and Leslie Ware are practicing attorneys in Dallas. Amy, a 1990 graduate of the Law School, is a criminal defense attorney. Leslie, a 1992 graduate of the Law School, maintains a plaintiffs practice, specializing in wrongful death, medical negligence and products liability cases. They wish to share the following thoughts with beneficiaries of this loan fund:
Amy and I hope this loan is helpful to you in a difficult or stressful period. Years from now, when you are a successful lawyer, we hope that you will remember it and use your skills and power to help some other person in need. Good luck to you, and feel free to call either of us at any time. We wish you all the best in your pursuit of the practice of law and in all your future endeavors.
If you wish to send a thank you note or otherwise correspond with the Wares, they may be reached at:
Monts & Ware
1701 N. Market St., Suite 330
Dallas, TX 75202
(214) 744-5000
(214) 744-5013 fax