Princess Igwe-Icho

Princess Igwe-Icho

Princess is from Dallas, Texas but was born in Nigeria, Africa. She is a quadruple major in Political Science, Corporate Communication and Public Affairs, Philosophy, and Human Rights with a minor in Law and Legal Reasoning, Women and Gender Studies, and Public Policy and International Affairs through the Towers Scholars Program. She is also on the Pre-Law track here at SMU. Princess chose SMU because of its commitment to making its students world-changers and the academic structure that challenges her to think on a critical level. In addition to her studies at SMU, Princess is a Presidential Scholar, Rotunda Scholar, Pre-Law Scholar, and McNair Scholar. She is involved in the ASL club, First-Gen Association, a board member of VPSA (Vice President's Student Advisory Board), a volunteer at her church's food pantry, a student assistant at the SCIE (Social Change and Intercultural Engagement) office, and conducts tutoring sessions in American Sign Language (ASL) at the ALEC (Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center). Princess's main policy interest centers around immigration, disability rights, and women's rights. Hoping to combine her understanding of these specific social justice issues with public policy, Princess plans to attend law school in hopes of working in the white house. Her dream job is to become a Presidential/Vice-Presidential Advisor and eventually a U.N. Ambassador for the U.S.