PMBA Alumni Network

Connect with the Cox Alumni Association

As a lifetime member of the Cox Alumni Association, you will have access to a number of resources designed to help you advance your professional career and enhance other facets of your life. We encourage our alumni to take advantage of these tools to stay informed about what the Cox School is doing, get involved in our many programs, and invest in the future of the school.

We use a variety of channels to help you stay in touch, including the CoxToday magazine, electronic newsletters, the Cox alumni website, on-the-road alumni receptions, and educational forums. We encourage our alumni to take advantage of these communications and welcome their suggestions on how we can improve them.

Cox alumni can stay involved in many ways

  • Tapping into the Cox Alumni Network - After graduating from the Cox MBA Program, you will join an alumni network consisting of more than 40,000 people throughout the United States and around the world. Comprising successful business executives, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, consultants, leaders of nonprofit organizations, and even music and film producers, the Cox alumni network is one of the school's most valuable resources, which you can tap into to develop and sustain lifelong friendships and professional relationships. The Cox Online Alumni Community is a convenient electronic networking tool we provide to help our alumni take advantage of the connections that make a Cox degree so valuable. 
  • Participating in Cox Programs - Our alumni participate in Cox initiatives, serving as executive mentors to students and young alumni, instructors for the Business Leadership Center, corporate coaches for the Career Management Center, or featured speakers at forums and lecture series. While alumni participation in Cox programs clearly enriches the overall educational experience our students receive, it also helps our alumni tap into some of the top MBA talent in the world and stay current on the latest business research and industry trends. 
  • Attending Cox Alumni Events - The Cox Alumni Association hosts numerous events throughout the year in Dallas and around the country, ranging from golf tournaments and social gatherings to more formal lectures. These events allow alumni to interact with friends, make valuable business contacts, and explore new professional opportunities.

The number of Cox alumni who support the school financially has increased in recent years, demonstrating their satisfaction with the educational experience we deliver and the return on investment they receive. The MBA Class of 1999 was the first to give a class gift at graduation. Since that time, every graduating class of MBAs has carried on this great tradition. These gifts support endowed scholarships for talented and deserving students as well as the Career Management Center Endowment and the Case Development Endowment, a professional business case study program. Through their pioneering gifts, these classes leave a legacy of commitment and support that will inspire future classes to develop a lifelong relationship with the school.