
 View the latest research coming out of the Information Technology and Operations Management department.

  • Ahuja, V., C. A. Alvarez, and B. R. Staats. “An Operations Approach for Reducing Glycemic Variability: Evidence from a Primary Care Setting.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Vol. 24, No. 3, May-June 2022, pp. 474-1493.
  • Ahuja, V., Alvarez, C. A., J. R. Birge, and C. Syverson. “Enhancing Regulatory and Clinical Decision-Making for Optimal Postmarket Drug Use.” 2021. Management Science. Vol. 67, No. 12: 7472-7492.
  • Bountali,* O., S. Çetinkaya, and V. Ahuja. “On the Impact of Treatment Restrictions for the Indigent Suffering from a Chronic Disease: The Case of Compassionate Dialysis.” 2021. Service Science Vol. 13, No. 3:133-154.
  • Kamalzadeh, Farzad,* V. Ahuja, M. F. Hahsler, and M. E. Bowen. “An analytics-driven approach for optimal individualized diabetes screening.” 2021. Production and Operations Management 30(9):3161–3191.
  • Ahuja, V. and J. R. Birge. “An Approximation Approach for Response-Adaptive Clinical Trial Design.” INFORMS Journal on Computing. Vol. 32, No. 4: 877-894.
  • Ahuja, V., C. A. Alvarez, and B. R. Staats. “Maintaining Continuity in Service: An Empirical Examination of Primary Care Physicians.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Vol. 22, No. 5, September–October 2020, pp. 1088–1106.
  • Amit Basu, Sreekumar Bhaskaran and Rajiv Mukherjee. 2024, “Compatibility and Information Asymmetry in Online Matching Platforms”, forthcoming Management Science.
  • Sreekumar R. Bhaskaran, Sinan Erzurumlu and Karthik Ramachandran. 2021, “Sequential Product Development and Introduction by Cash-constrained Start-ups.”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 23(6), 1505- 1523.
  • Annibal Sodero, Aidin Namin, Dinesh Gauri and Sreekumar Bhaskaran. 2021, “The Strategic Drivers of Drop-shipping and Retail Store Sales for Seasonal Products”, Journal of Retailing, 97(4), 561-581.
  • A. Basu, Y. J. Lee, and A. Tripathi “Analyzing the Impact of Public Buyer-Seller Engagement During Online Auctions”, Information Systems Research, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2022.
  • A. Basu, S. Muylle and W. Standaert, “Business Meetings in a Post-Pandemic World: When and How to Meet Virtually?”, Business Horizons, 2021.
  • A. Basu, S. Muylle and W. Standaert, “How shall we meet? Understanding the importance of meeting mode capabilities for different meeting objectives”, Information & Management, Vol. 58, Issue 1, January 2021.
  • Gan, R. J., Tsoukalas, G. and Netessine, S. (2023). Decentralized Platforms: Governance, Toke nomics, and ICO Design. Management Science, Volume 69, Issue 11, Pages 6417-7150, iii-iv.
  • Gan, R. J., Tsoukalas, G. and Netessine, S. (2021). Initial Coin Offerings, Speculation and Asset Tokenization.Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 2, Pages 661-1328, iii-iv.
  • Gan, R. J., Tsoukalas, G. and Netessine, S. (2020). Financing Inventory Through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management: Vol. 14, No. 1, pp 60-76.
  • Savaskan-Ebert, C.  and Kurtulus, M.,  “Drivers and Implications of Direct-Store-Delivery in Retail Channels” Production and Operations Management Journal. 2020 (Vol. 29. Issue 11)
  • Savaskan-Ebert, C. , Uster , H. and Hwang, S.O.,  “Returns Management in an Omni-Channel Retailing Environment under Time-Value Considerations”, Annals of Operations Research. Feb 10 2023.
  • Semple, J. and Alptekinoglu, A., “Heteroscedastic Expomomial Choice,”, Operations Research, 69(3), (2021) 683-1013.
  • Tan, X., Lu, YD., and Tan, Y. (2021). The Impact of Subscription Reciprocity on Charitable Content Creation and Sharing: Evidence from Twitter on Giving Tuesday. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 45(2), 535-562.
  • Fang, Z.*, Ho, YC.*, Tan, X.*, and Tan, Y. (2021). Show Me the Money: The Economic Impact of Membership-Based Free Shipping Programs on E-Tailers, Information Systems Research, 32(4), 1115-1127. *Authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Tan, X., Jin, F., and Dennis, A.R. (2022). How Appreciation and Attention Affect Contributions to Electronic Networks of Practice. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(4), 1037-1063.
  • Tan, X., Yan, L., and Pedraza-Martinez. A. (2023). Navigating The Digital Terrain of Prosocial Announcements and Likability. Management Information Systems Quarterly, forthcoming.
  • Yifan Yu, Xue Tan, and Yong Tan (2024). Retention, Migration, and Engagement: An Analysis of a Large-Scale Multiplex Volunteer Collaboration Network. Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
  • Tan TF, Netessine S (2020) At your service on the table: Impact of tabletop technology on restaurant operations. Management Science, 66(10), 4496-4515.
  • Tan TF, Staats B (2020) Behavioral drivers of routing decisions: Evidence from restaurant table assignment. Production and Operations Management, 29(4), 1050-1070.
  • Xu Y, Tan TF, Netessine S (2022) The impact of load on operational risk at a commercial bank. Management Science, 68(4), 2377-3174.
  • Jain N, Tan TF (2021) Managing online retail in emerging economies: Mobile channel and sales concentration. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 24(4), 1887-2386.