
  • Do not alter the formatting or font on the Short or Long forms other than to include requisite information. Include all applicable information requested on page 1 as it is essential for EPC tracking and BOT reporting. Sections that do not pertain to your proposal may be deleted to save space. Note: to ensure you are using the most recent version of the proposal document, always download the forms from the EPC Forms, Samples & Instructions page.

  • Review the EPC Meeting Schedule and EPC Timetable to ensure that your proposal timeline aligns with the requirements set by the Provost’s Office. Substantive curricular changes cannot occur in the middle of an academic year.

  • Obtain approval for your curricular change through the appropriate School or College vetting process (see the School-Specific Procedures). Note: signatures on the Short and Long forms are required before the final proposal is submitted to the Associate Provost for Institutional Planning and Effectiveness for review.

  • Discuss assessment-specific questions with the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness before proposal submission to avoid revision delays. Direct assessment-related questions to

  • Request your faculty roster from the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, if applicable, by e-mailing Faculty rosters will be used in place of Faculty CV's.

  • Obtain approval for your online programs, certificates, courses, and sections, if applicable, via the online approval process through SMU GO before submitting your proposal to the Associate Provost for Institutional Planning and Effectiveness for review. Note: direct inquiries regarding this approval process to Associate Provost for Continuing Education ad interim Michael Robertson at

  • Direct questions regarding your proposal to

  • Submit finalized or revised proposals, electronically, to for inclusion on the EPC Agenda by the proposal deadline(s). Failure to do so may result in delays in your proposal being reviewed.