Book Release: Lessons from Successful African American Lawyers

Prof. Beverly Dureus is Contributing Author

Professor Dureus book release
SMU Law Professor Beverly Dureus is a contributing author

July 28th is a moment in history worth recalling: On July 28, 1868 the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified. It grants citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States—including former slaves—and guaranteed all citizens “equal protection of the laws.”

How fitting that today, July 28, 2020, Attorney Evangeline M. Mitchell, the editor of “Lessons from Successful African American Lawyers” is officially releasing that book! The book will help equip up and coming lawyers (especially those of color) with words of wisdom as they embark on the path to become agents of change for others as impactful lawyers of tomorrow.

"I am blessed to be included in the book as a contributing author," said Professor Dureus.

The paperback version of the book is available for $17.99.