
Available Now

Faculty-Led Programs

SMU-in-Bali: Arts, Culture & Yoga

Program Directors: Anne Westwick & Jamal Mohamed

SMU-in-France: Language, Culture & Internships

Program Director: Paola Buckley

SMU-in-GermanyLanguage, Culture & Music

Program Director: Stephen Grollman


SMU-in-Italy: Arts & Culture

Program Director: Kathy Windrow

SMU-in-Japan: International Studies & Honors

Program Director: Hiroki Takeuchi

SMU-in-London: Communication, Culture & Social Innovation - Program Full- No longer taking new applications

Program Director: Sandra Duhe


SMU-in-London: Communication, Culture & Social Innovation - Program Full- No longer taking new applications

Program Director: Sandra Duhe

SMU-in-Madrid: Spanish Language & Culture

Program Director: Olga Colbert

SMU-in-Prague: Russian Language, Culture, CS & Engineering

Program Director: Tatiana Zimakova 

SMU-in-Rome-Paris: Culture, History & Honors - Program Full- No longer taking new applications

Program Directors: Melissa Dowling & Kathleen Wellman 


SMU-in-South Africa: Arts, Culture & Human Rights

Program Director: Barbara Hill Moore

SMU-in-Tokyo: Design Thinking for Possible Futures

Program Director: Burke Jam

SMU-in-Tuscany: Language & Culture-  Program Full- No longer taking new applications

Program Directors: Aria Cabot & Daniele Forlino


SMU-in-Oxford: International Studies and Honors

Program Director: Gretchen Smith

Internship Programs

SMU Internships: Barcelona Business

Cox Majors & Minors Only

Administrative Director: Barbara Mohrle

SMU Internships: Dublin Business

Cox Majors & Minors Only

Administrative Director: Barbara Mohrle

SMU Internships: London Business

Cox Majors Only

Program Director: Barbara Mohrle


SMU Internships: London Communication

All Communications Majors Preferred

Program Director: Owen Lynch


SMU Internships: Prague

Dedman Majors Preferred

Program Director: Pam Corley

SMU Internships: Prague Business
Cox Majors & Minors Only

Program Director: Barbara Mohrle

SMU Internships: Seville

Advanced Spanish Required

Program Director: Leticia McDoniel


SMU Internships: Sydney

Cox Majors & Minors Only

Administrative Director: Barbara Mohrle


Hybrid Programs

SMU-in-London: London School of Economics and Political Science

Faculty Liaison: Nathan Balke

SMU-in-Siena: Music Performance

Faculty Liaison: Camille King


SMU STEM Research: Glasgow & Dublin

Faculty Liaison: Jennifer O'Brien


*Pending final university approval. Students must apply for these programs using the New Semester Program Request application until final approval is awarded. Please schedule an appointment with our Advisors to open an application. 

Semester Programs

Program Types

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Short-term, faculty-led programs offer students the opportunity to travel and study abroad under the leadership of SMU faculty members. These programs are offered in January, May, and Summer terms. Students can earn 3, 6, 7, or 8 hours of credit while spending one to eight weeks studying, researching, or interning abroad. All courses are either taught by or approved by SMU faculty.


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SMU affiliated programs are hosted by well-established study abroad program providers. These programs offer a diverse array of study abroad opportunities around the world. Term program options include study at universities, study abroad programs on specific disciplinary subjects, language immersion programs, and programs with field study and internship components.


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These programs merge the characteristics of the faculty-led and affiliated models. All courses are vetted and approved by SMU faculty. Students may have the option to enroll in courses at a local university.





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    Virtual Experiences

    To meet students' needs both now and during future terms, we're offering virtual abroad programs. SMU Abroad's Virtual Internship program for credit combines a 3-credit summer online course with placement through our partners across global cities. Learn to excel in a global environment with international colleagues and gain remote professional networking and social skills.