What is CASA?
CASA – the Centro de Acompañamiento, Solidaridad y Adiestramiento – represents a reimagined commitment to Hispanic ministry initiatives at Perkins School of Theology at a time when they are needed perhaps more than ever.
The United States Census Bureau estimates that, as of 2021, roughly 62.6 million Hispanics live in the United States and make up 19 percent of the national population. These figures, both all-time highs, present an opportunity for Perkins to continue building on its relationship and engagement with the Hispanic community that began with the formation of the school’s Mexican American Program in the 1970s.
More than anything, Perkins remains committed to recruiting, preparing, and providing continuing education for people in ministry with Hispanics and Latinos/as. CASA is a merger between the school’s Center for the Study of Latino/a Christianity and Religions and the Hispanic/Latin@ Ministries Program.
In 2024, Perkins started offering – in collaboration with Wesley Theological Seminary and thanks to a $5 million grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc. – a certificate program in Spanish for pastors with no formal training, lay pastors, and others with pastoral experience in the Dallas Metroplex area. As part of the certificate, specific courses will be offered in: Preaching, Pastoral Care, Old Testament, New Testament and Leadership. Starting in February of 2025, CASA Pathways for Ministry will be expanding into the Houston area.
Pathways for Ministry- Certificate Program in Dallas
Pathways for Ministry- Certificate Program in Houston
Additionally, CASA will oversee three programs designed to join communities and congregations where God is already at work and learn from them and their experiences.