The Perkins Intern Program
The Perkins Intern Program is widely recognized as an exemplary program in preparing women and men for faithful leadership in Christian ministry. In the Perkins Internship, students integrate the knowledge and theological reflection disciplines learned in the classroom with the practical demands of providing faithful leadership within a congregation or agency.
Students undertake internships with options as to type (full-time or part-time, church or agency), community (urban, suburban, rural), and denomination (in most cases in the student's own tradition). Intern Faculty members are committed to provide an internship that maximizes learning opportunities within a hands-on ministerial experience.
Learning by listening and leading is the hallmark of the Perkins internship experience. While the intern carries out the tasks of ministry and systematically reflects on the experience, a trained Mentor provides professional and theological supervision; a Teaching Committee gives regular feedback on performance; and the Internship Seminar led by the Intern Faculty and a mental health Consultant offers a time to learn practical tools and strategies for ministry, share ministry stories, and receive support and wisdom.