Jinwoo Kim

SAR/InSAR Research Scientist

Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences



SMU radar laboratory


Ph.D. Geodetic Science The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, 2013
M.S. Remote Sensing & GIS Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2007
B.S. Civil Engineering Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2005

Career History

10/2015-present Research Scientist
School of Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University
02/2014-09/2015 Post Doctoral Fellow
School of Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University
08/2013-02/2014 Post Doctoral Fellow
School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University
09/2010-08/2013 NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University
09/2008-08/2010 Graduate Research Assistant
School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University
09/2007-08/2008 Department Fellowship
School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University
03/2005-02/2007 Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant
Remote Sensing & GIS Lab., Yonsei University



  • NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
  • Distinguished Senior PhD Student Award at Ohio State University

Research Highlights

Deformation map over Wink Sinkholes, Texas (interactive GIS map) View the Interactive GIS Map


Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., and Kaufmann, J. Evolution of sinkholes over Wink, Texas, observed by high-resolution optical and SAR imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 222, 119-132, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2018.12.028, 2019.

Shi, Y., Tang, Y.M., Lu, Z., Kim, J.W., and Peng, J.H. Subsidence of sinkholes in Wink, Texas from 2007 to 2011 detected by time-series InSAR analysis, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10 (1), 1125-1138, doi:10.1080/19475705.2019.1566786, 2019.

Kim, J.-W. and Lu, Z. Association between localized geohazards in West Texas and human activities, recognized by Sentinel-1A/B satellite radar imagery. Scientific Reports, 8: 4727, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23143-6, 2018.

List of Publications

51Kim, J., Jung, H.-S., and Lu, Z., 2025. Ground surface displacement measurement from SAR imagery using deep learning: Remote Sensing of Environment, 318, 114577, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2024.114577.

50Karanam, V., Lu, Z., and Kim, J.W., 2024. Investigation of oil well blowouts triggered by wastewater injection in the Permian Basin, USA: Geophysical Research Letters, 51(14), e2024GL109435.

49Zheng, W., Lu, Z., amd Kim, J.W., 2023. Bayesian Monte Carlo inversion of InSAR time series deformation induced by wastewater injection: A case study in West Texas: Geophysical Research Letters, 50(10), e2023GL102991.

48Xu, Y., Lu, Z., Bürgmann, R., Hensley, S., Fielding, E., and Kim, J., 2023. P-band SAR for ground deformation surveying: Advantages and challenges: Remote Sensing of Environment, 287, 113474.

47Qu, F., Lu, Z., Kim, J., and Turco, M.J., 2023. Mapping and characterizing land deformation during 2007–2011 over the Gulf Coast by L-band InSAR: Remote Sensing of Environment, 284, 113342.

46Kim, J.W., Coe, J.A., Lu, Z., Avdievitch, N.N., and Hults, C.P., 2022. Spaceborne InSAR mapping of landslides and subsidence in rapidly deglaciating terrain, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and vicinity, Alaska and British Columbia: Remote Sensing of Environment, 281, 113231, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2022.113231.

45Yang, L., Lu, Z., Zhao, C., Kim, J.W., Yang, C., Wang, B., Liu, X., and Wang, Z., 2022. Analyzing the triggering factors of glacial lake outburst floods with SAR and optical images: a case study in Jinweng Co, Tibet, China: Landslides, 19, doi:10.1007/s10346-021-01831-1.

44Xu, Y., Lu, Z., Kim, J.W., 2021. P-Band InSAR for Geohazard Detection over Forested Terrains: Preliminary Results: Remote Sens., 13, 4575, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13224575.

43Kim, J.W., and Lu, Z., 2021. Sinkholes in Wink, Texas, Observed by Satellite Radar Imagery, in Johnson, K. S.; Land, Lewis; and Decker, D. D. (eds.), Evaporite Karst in the Greater Permian Evaporite Basin (GPEB) of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Colorado: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 113, 105–110.

42Xu, Y., Schulz, H. W., Lu, Z., Kim, J. W., and Baxstrom, K., 2021. Geologic controls of slow-moving landslides near the U.S. West Coast: Landslides, 18, doi:10.1007/s10346-021-01732-3.

41Lu, Z. and Kim, J.W., 2021. A Framework for Studying Hydrology-Driven Landslide Hazards in Northwestern US Using Satellite InSAR, Precipitation and Soil Moisture Observations: Early Results and Future Directions. GeoHazards, 2, 17–40, https://doi.org/10.3390/geohazards2020002.

40Kang, Y., Lu, Z., Zhao, C.Y., Xu, Y.K., Kim, J.W., and Gallegos, A.J., 2021. InSAR Monitoring of Creeping Landslides in Mountainous Regions: A Case Study in Eldorado National Forest, California, Remote Sensing of Environment, 258, 112400.

39Kim, J.W., and Lu, Z., 2021. Taking the pulse of aging oil wells in the Permian Basinfrom space, Science of the Total Environment, 757, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143932.

38Xu, Y., Lu, Z., Schulz, W.H., and Kim, J.W., 2020. Twelve-year dynamics and rainfall thresholds for alternating creep and rapid movement of the Hooskanaden landslide from integrating InSAR, pixel offset tracking, and borehole and hydrological measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, e2020JF005640. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JF005640.

37Xu, Y.K., George, D.L., Kim, J.W., Lu, Z., Riley, M., Griffin T., and de la Fuente, J., 2020. Determining movement history, monitoring recent activity, and developing a runout simulation for the Gold Basin landslide, Landslides, doi:10.1007/s10346-020-01533-0.

36Molan, Y.E., Lu, Z., and Kim, J.W., 2020. Influence of the Statistical Properties of Phase and Intensity on Closure Phase, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58, 7346-7354, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2020.2982062.

35Liu, Y.Y., Lu, Z., Zhao, C.Y., Kim, J.W., Zhang, Q., de la Fuente, J., 2019. Characterization of the Kinematic Behavior of Three Bears Landslide in Northern California using L-band InSAR Observations, Remote Sensing, 11, 2726, DOI:10.3390/rs11232726.

34Xu, Y.K., Kim, J.W., George, D.L., and Lu, Z., 2019. Characterizing Seasonally Rainfall-Driven Movement of a Translational Landslide using SAR Imagery and SMAP Soil Moisture, Remote Sensing, 11, 2347, doi:10.3390/rs11202347.

33Zheng, W.Y., Kim, J.W., Ali, S.T., and Lu, Z., 2019. Wastewater leakage in West Texas revealed by satellite radar imagery and numerical modeling, Scientific Reports, 9, 14601, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-51138-4.

32Kang, Y., Lu, Z., Zhao, C.Y., Zhang, Q., Kim, J.W., Niu, Y.F., 2019. Diagnosis of Xinmo (China) landslide based on InSAR observation and modeling, Remote Sens., 11, 1846; doi:10.3390/rs11161846.

31Qu, F.F., Lu, Z., Kim, J.W., and Zheng, W.Y., 2019. Identify and monitor growth faulting using InSAR over northern Greater Houston region, Remote Sensing, Remote Sens., 11, 1498; doi:10.3390/rs11121498.

30Qu, W., Zhang, B., Lu, Z., Kim, J.W., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., Hao, M., Zhu, W., and Qu, F. Source Parameter Estimation of the 2009 Ms6.0 Yao’an Earthquake, Southern China, Using InSAR Observations. Remote Sens., 11, 462, doi:10.3390/rs11040462, 2019.

29Shi, Y., Tang, Y.M., Lu, Z., Kim, J.W., and Peng, J.H. Subsidence of sinkholes in Wink, Texas from 2007 to 2011 detected by time-series InSAR analysis, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10 (1), 1125-1138, doi:10.1080/19475705.2019.1566786, 2019.

28Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., and Kaufmann, J. Evolution of sinkholes over Wink, Texas, observed by high-resolution optical and SAR imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 222, 119-132, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.12.028, 2019.

27Kim, J.-W. and Lu, Z. Association between localized geohazards in West Texas and human activities, recognized by Sentinel-1A/B satellite radar imagery. Scientific Reports, 8: 4727, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23143-6, 2018.

26Navneet, S., Kim, J.-W., and Lu, Z. A new InSAR persistent scatterer selection technique using top eigenvalue of coherence Matrix. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(4), doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2771386, 2018.

25Lee, C.-W., Lu, Z., Kim, J.-W., and Park, S.-J. Mapping pyroclastic flow inundation using radar and optical satellite images and lahar modeling. Journal of Sensors, 2018, doi: 10.1155/2018/8217565, 2018.

24Eshqi Molan, Y., Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., Wylie, B., and Zhu, Z. Modeling wildfire-induced permafrost deformation in an Alaskan boreal forest using InSAR observations. Remote Sensing, 10(3), 405, doi:10.3390/rs10030405, 2018.

23Eshqi Molan, Y., Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., and Agram, P. L-Band Temporal Coherence Assessment and Modeling Using Amplitude and Snow Depth over Interior Alaska. Remote Sensing, 10(1), 150, doi:10.3390/rs10010150, 2018.

22Zhang, A., Lu, J. and Kim, J.-W. Detecting mining-induced ground deformation and associated hazards using spaceborne InSAR techniques, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), 211–223, doi:10.1080/19475705.2017.1415229, 2018.

21Hu, X., Oommen, T., Lu, Z., Wang, T. and Kim, J. W. Consolidation settlement of Salt Lake County tailings impoundment revealed by time-series InSAR observations from multiple radar satellites, Remote Sensing of Environment, 202, 199–209, 2017.

20Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., Gutenberg, L., and Zhu, Z. Characterizing hydrologic changes of the Great Dismal Swamp using SAR/InSAR, Remote Sensing of Environment, 198, 187-202, 2017.

19Lee, C.W., Lu, Z., and Kim, J.W. Monitoring Mount Sinabung in Indonesia Using Multi- Temporal InSAR, Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 33, 37-46, 2017.

18Schaefer, L.N., Wang, T., Escobar-Wolf, R., Oommen, T., Lu, Z., Kim, J., Lundgren, P.R., and Waite, G.P. Three-dimensional displacements of a large volcano flank movement during the May 2010 eruptions at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 135-142, 2017.

17Jia, Y., Kim, J.-W., Shum, C.K., Lu, Z., Ding, X., Zhong, L., Erkan, K., Kuo, C.-Y., Shang, K., Tseng, K.-H., and Yi, Y. Characterization of Active Layer Thickening Rate over the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Region Using ALOS Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, 2007–2009, Remote Sensing, 9(1), 84, 2017.

16Hu, X., Wang, T., Pierson, T.C., Lu, Z., Kim, J., and Cecere, T.H. Detecting seasonal landslide movement within the Cascade landslide complex (Washington) using time-series SAR imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 187, 49-61, 2016.

15Kim, J.-W. Lu, Z., and Degrandpre, K. Ongoing deformation of sinkholes in Wink, Texas, observed by time-series Sentinel-1A SAR interferometry (preliminary results), Remote Sensing, 8, 313, doi:10.3390/rs8040313, 2016.

14Tseng, K.-H., Shum, C.K., Kim, J.-W., Wang, X., Zhu, K, and Cheng, X. Integrating Landsat Imageries and Digital Elevation Models to Infer Water Level Change in Hoover Dam, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 9(4), 1696-1709, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2500599, 2016.

13Qu, F., Lu, Z., Zhang, Q., Bawden, G.W., Kim, J.-W., Zhao, C., and Qu, W. Mapping ground deformation over Houston-Galveston, Texas using multi-temporal InSAR, Remote Sensing of Environment. 169, 290-306, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.08.027, 2015.

12Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., Qu, F. and Hu, X. Pre-2014 mudslides at Oso revealed by InSAR and multi-source DEM analysis. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 6(3), 184-194, DOI:10.1080/19475705.2015.1016556, 2015.

11Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., Jia, Y., and Shum, C.K., Ground subsidence in Tucson, Arizona, monitored by time-series analysis using multi-sensor InSAR datasets from 1993 to 2011, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 107, 126-141, 2015.

10Lu, Z., Kim, J.-W., and Shum, C.K., Coastal Wetlands: Mapping by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), in Encyclopedia of Natural Resources, Taylor & Francis, Volume 1, doi:10.1081/E-ENRL-120049157, ISBN 9781439852583, 2014. website

9Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., Jones, J.W., Shum, C.K., Lee, H., and Jia, Y., Monitoring Everglades Freshwater Marsh Water Level Using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter, Remote Sensing of Environment, 150, 66-81, 2014.

8Kalyanapu, A., A.K.M., A., Kim, J.-W., Yigzaw, W., Hossain, F., and Shum, C.K., Towards methodology to investigate the downstream flood hazards on American River due to changes in Probable Maximum Flood due to effects of Artificial Reservoir Size and Land Use/Land Cover Patterns, Earth Interactions, 17, 1-24, 2013.

7Jung, H. C., Jasinski, M., Kim, J.-W., Shum, C.K., Bates, P., Neal, J., Lee, H., and Alsdorf, D., Calibration of two-dimensional floodplain modeling in the Atchafalaya River Basin using SAR interferometry, Water Resources Research, 48, W07511, doi:10.1029/2012WR011951, 2012.

6Lu, Z., Kim, J.-W., Lee, H., Shum, C.K., Duan, J., Ibaraki, M., Akyilmaz, O., and Read, C., Helmand River hydrologic studies using ALOS PALSAR InSAR and ENVISAT altimetry, Marine Geodesy, 32(3), 320–333, 2009.

5Lee, H., Shum, C.K., Yi, Y., Ibaraki, M., Kim, J.-W., Braun, A., Kuo, C., and Lu, Z., Louisiana wetland water level monitoring using retracked TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry, Marine Geodesy, 32(3), 284–302, 2009.

4Kim, J.W., Lu, Z., Lee, H., Shum, C.K., Swarzenski, C., Doyle, T., and Baek, S., Integrated Analysis of PALSAR/Radarsat-1 InSAR and ENVISAT altimeter for mapping of absolute water level changes in Louisiana wetland, Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(11), 2356-2365, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2009.06.014, 2009.

3Heo, J., Kim, J.H., and Kim, J.W., A new methodology for measuring coastline recession using buffering and non-linear least squares estimation, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23(9), 1165-1177, 2009.

2Heo, J., Kim, J.W., Park, J.S., and Sohn, H.G., New line accuracy assessment methodology using nonlinear least-squares estimation, Journal of Surveying Engineering-ASCE, 134(1), 13–20, 2008.

1Heo, J., Kim, J.W., Pattnaik, S., and Sohn, H.G., Quality improvement of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation inventory GIS using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED), Forest Ecology and Management, 233, 61–68, 2006.


Conference Proceedings


Kim, J.W., Lu, Z., and Zhu, Z. Characterizing hydrologic changes of Great Dismal Swamp using SAR/InSAR technology, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 14-18, 2015.

Kim, J.W., Lu, Z., and Qu, F. Pre-2014 mudslides at Oso revealed by InSAR and multi-source DEM analysis, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 15-19, 2014.

Lu, Z., Qu, F., Dzurisin, D., Kim, J. Post-2008 inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 15-19, 2014.

Qu, F., Lu, Z., Bawden, G.W., and Kim, J.W. Ground deformation mapping of Houston-Galveston, Texas using InSAR time-series analysis, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 15-19, 2014.

Shum, C.K., Ballu, V., Calmant, S., Duan, J., Guo, J., Hossain, F., Jenkins, C., Haque Khan, Z., Kim, J., Kuhn, M., Kusche, J., Papa, F., Tseng, K., and Wan, J. Coastal vulnerability due to sea-level rise hazard in the Bangladesh Delta, Vienna, Austria, Apr 2- May 2, 2014.

Lee, H., Kim, J.-W., Lu, Z., Jung, H.C., Shum, C.K., and Alsdorf, D. Integrated analysis of interferometric SAR, satellite altimetry and hydraulic modeling to quantify Louisiana wetland, Intecol 2012 conference: Wetland remote sensing, Orlando, FL, USA, Jun 3-8, 2012.

Jung, H.C., Jasinski, M., Kim, J.-W., Shum, C.-K., Bates, P., Neal, J., Lee, H., and Alsdorf, D. Improved calibration of modeled discharge and storage change in the Atchafalaya floodplain using SAR interferometry, AGU Chapman conference on remote sensing of the terrestrial water cycle, Kona, HI, USA, Feb 19-22, 2012.

Kim, J.W., Calmant, S., Lee, H., Lu, Z., and Shum, C.K., Seasonal Inundation Monitoring of Northern Pantanal Wetland, Brazil Using ALOS SAR/InSAR and Envisat Altimetry, AGU 2011 Fall Meeting 23A, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 5-9, 2011.

Lee, H., Calmant, S., Shum, C., Kim, J., Huang, Z., Bettadpur, S.V., and Alsdorf, D.E. Application of satellite radar altimetry for near-real time monitoring of floods, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 5-9, 2011.

Kim, J.W., Won, J., Shum, C.K., Lee, H., Calmant, S., Souza, A.E., and Jung, H., River velocity estimation from EnviSat ASAR observations, Eos Trans. AGU 91(26), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract U24A-04, Foz do Igaucu, Brazil, Aug 8-12, 2010.

Jung, H.C., Alsdorf, D., Lee, H., Wilson, M., Beighley, E., Durand, M., Shum, C.K., Kim, J.-W., and Andreadis, K. Hydrodynamic modeling of the Congo wetlands using LISFLOOD and satellite based measurements, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, May 2-7, 2010.

Shum, C.K., Kim, J.-W., Lee, H., Fok, H.-S., Lu, Z., Baek, S.-H., Braun, A., Iz, H.B. Antarctic ice-shelf ocean tide modeling, 3rd ALOS PI symposium, Kona, HI, USA, Nov 9-13, 2009.

Kim, J.W., Shum, C.K., Lee, H., Baek, S.-H., Hossain, F., Jones, J.W., and Lu, Z., Integrated analysis of interferometric SAR and radar altimeter for quantifying absolute water level changes and wetland dynamics, 3rd ALOS PI symposium, Kona, HI, USA, Nov 9-13, 2009.

Scientific Achievements Reported in News Media
