Committee on Academic Petitions

The Committee on Academic Petitions (CAP) is a committee with membership appointed by the Provost. It is charged with considering and deciding student academic petitions, as set out in the SMU Statement of Process for Undergraduate Student Academic Petitions.

Academic Petitions are requests by a student for an exception to an academic policy. Academic policy includes any policy, rule, or regulation that applies to academic matters at SMU.

The CAP is not charged with considering and deciding any student academic petition or complaint other than those that fit within the SMU Statement of Process for Undergraduate Student Academic Petitions.

How to Submit an Appeal

An SMU undergraduate student must submit their appeal to the Committee on Academic Petitions via the electronic submission form that can be accessed by clicking on the button below. 

Submit a CAP Appeal

The appeal must include a clear statement for each of the following items:

1. A description of the decision you are appealing and the outcome you are requesting.

2. What unit, school, division, or academic officer issued the decision that you are appealing. (If you appealed to one level within a school or unit and then appealed to another level, be sure to include each in your answer.)

3. Explain why you believe the decision fits into one of the following categories:

a. The decision was based on a clear misinterpretation of University policy (please specify).

b. The decision is outside the bounds of a reasonable application of the academic policy, rule, or regulation that applied.

c. Extenuating circumstances justify the overturning of a decision.

4. Attach any documentation relating to items a, b and c. This includes a copy of the decision you are appealing and any documents supporting your contention that the decision was erroneous, as defined above.

The Committee on Academic Petitions may request that you provide additional information if your submission is incomplete. If asked, the student will have up to three business days to respond.

What to Expect After an Appeal Submission

1. Once the submission is complete, the CAP will administratively review the appeal for applicability. The student will be notified via their SMU email if the appeal is within the scope of CAP or be referred to another office if necessary.

2. CAP will issue a decision according to the above standard if within the committee's scope. The CAP may request to meet with the student or gather further information.

3. The CAP will notify the student of its decision by email at the student’s SMU email address - typically within two business weeks or less.