
734 results


Students Music Student Alessandro Mazzamuto has already soloed with orchestras in Milan, Germany, Ukraine and Romania. Now, thanks to a 2014 CME International Grant/Birte Moller Young Artists Award, he’s headed to Carnegie Hall in 2015.

June 10, 2014

Music Tracks by student composers sizzle, breathe; works by Uriah W. Rinzel (M.M. Composition, ’14, M.M. Theory Pedagogy, ’15) and Nathan Courtright (M.M, ’13) complete year-long creation of album

May 20, 2014

Music Internet recording production is shaking up the music world. A new book by pro musician and Meadows student Derrick Horne provides a definitive guide to online music collaboration.

April 17, 2014

Art History Art History grad student Rheagan Martin lands coveted internship at the Getty Center in Los Angeles

April 07, 2014

Theatre Meadows students and playwrights Sarah Hamilton (B.F.A. Theatre, ’14) and Kristen Kelso (B.F.A. Theatre, B.A. Spanish, ’14) introduce their New Visions, New Voices works

March 20, 2014